Lincoln Park Zoo!!!
Here's a little photo of C and Daddy at the Lincoln Park Zoo during our recent trek to Chicago. I think Caroline liked it-there were a couple good "ooooh!"s in the monkey building, and anything that looked vaguely like a dog got a loud "DOGGIE!!!". Everything else got a "N Dis?"

Life is a goin'. I'm a little scared to go to work tomorrow with this whole swiney-flu thing going on. Oh well. At least I get to be at the new Hayden office, which is so, so nice.

We booked our tickets today for Mark's cousin Kelly's wedding in San Fran in mid-June. I'm pretty proud of ourselves, because we even bought them their wedding present today, too. We got so many wedding invites last year, there was a lot of, "Did we send the reply back?" or "Did we send them a gift yet?". I even wrote on the invite "gift sent 4/27". How's that for organization?

I'm pretty excited about this wedding for a few reasons. First, it'll be nice to get out of town for a few days (Thursday-Sunday) because my partner Ron leaves for Italy tomorrow, gone for the next two months, which means I'm on call 1:2 for the next long times. By June, I'll need a little break. Second, I'll have finished running the Steamboat Marathon on June 7th, so I don't have to worry about trying to find time to get my long run in that weekend. Third, looks like we'll be able to meet up with my bro and his family while we're there, so they can finally meet Caroline, which is pretty awesome. Fourth, hopefully we'll also have a chance to meet up at some point with our friends Bittoo and Ursula, who we haven't seen since our wedding, and fifth, any Fitz wedding is a GUARANTEED good time. So I'm pumped.

Things to look forward to until then: We're going camping in Fruita this weekend with some friends, and Mark even rented a pretty sweet Moots so that we can each take our turns on the trails. I finally got my Xmas bonus (hooray!) and got a pretty nice Santa Cruz Blur XC, so I'm sure we'll have some good times. Then my mom is coming at the beginning of June--we had given her a plane ticket out to Steamboat as an Xmas present, and it'll be fun to have her out here for a week to spend time with C and cheer me on in the marathon!

I have a feeling this will probably be my last marathon for a while. I haven't done one since the Fargo Marathon in 2006 (moving, starting a new job, and having a baby will do that to a gal) but started to get the marathon itch again last fall. I'm excited to do the Steamboat Marathon, just because I live here, I know it's beautiful, and it'll be a fun day, but man, it's been brutal trying to train for this thing over the past month or so. I was doing great until I got sick after my 12 mile long run weekend, and for the next 3 weeks, maybe got a few runs in total. It's been a little rough trying to get back into the program, and with Ron leaving for Italy, finding time to get those runs in during the week, plus being a mom and a wife, is just a really tough thing. I would never have been able to do this without Mark's support, but after this marathon, I think I'm moving to half marathons until we're done having kids and they are in elementary school. It's just been hard. And I'm very thankful for our treadmill.

Been so busy/sick, I can't even give you an update on my latest reads. I tried to read Fargo Rock City by Chuck Klosterman, but I was totally lost in the depth of his hair metal knowledge by page 100 that I got bored and stopped reading. I've started Cinderella Story: My Life in Golf by Bill Murray (mostly) and it's pretty good, as well as an intro book on mountain biking and bike maintenance. Man, our library here is so awesome.

OK, I need to get to bed. I have a 7 AM meeting at the hopspital before driving to Hayden. Hope all is well with everyone....


Blogger Jen said...

LP zoo is so much fun! Looks like C had a good time.

I'm impressed that you keep up with your marathon training. I sign up for races, forget that I've signed up, and start going for runs after they start sending reminder emails. Oops.

posted at 10:23 PM

Blogger Amy said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

posted at 7:03 PM

Blogger Amy said...

I had stopped checking your blog (and totally stopped posting to my own). Then what to my wondering eyes do appear? But THREE shiny new posts from my friends oh so dear!

So I officially stink at keeping up. But I am so freaking proud of you f as a super hero!

love ya! Miss ya!

posted at 7:05 PM

Blogger Amy said...

Daniel's pc really bugs me. It is no mac, baby. The cursor jumps around and messes up my posts. Not like I need the extra help with typos and misspellings.

What I meant to say was: marathon moms are superheros as far as I can tell :)

posted at 7:09 PM

Anonymous Pablo said...

keeping busy as usual, ehh?? Hope you are feeling better by now!!

San Fran was fantastic - a wedding there would be even better!

posted at 11:26 AM


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