OK. I know, I know.. I'm a Johnny-come-lately to the whole Podcasting
thing, but after reading this article on about it, I've become
totally intrigued. I emailed myself a bunch of crap to download at
home that I can load up on my iPod - I need something other than 30GB
of music I've heard before to keep me occupied in the shower and on my
commute (and at work, for that matter) - all times I'm listening to my

I was going to write a nice, long entry about this, but my supervisor
just let me go for the new year, so F you all and I'll see you next

 Indeed, Indeed! (See what I'm talking about)
Well, looks like I found a good new way to look for potential jobs in Houston. Right now I'm leaning towards working PT or on a contract basis for my current employer (more free time! Be your own boss! Make your own hours!) and maybe doing some work on the side as well.

So, keeping my options open is easier with a search tool for jobs. How long you think before Google snatches them up (they look like they've positioned themselves for that anyway, judging solely by their design).

 20 Amazing Facts! (See what I'm talking about)
This one's a MUST READ. Yay for America!

 [early] Morning gripes
1. That damn car alarm that goes off outside every other time the El goes by my apartment.
2. A roommate who falls asleep watching a DVD and doesn't wake up when it's over, and the freaking credits music is the loudest thing I've ever heard, then doesn't wake up when I'm yelling either his name from my room, his name from outside his door, his name from INSIDE his room, or "Fire!" from inside his room. Eventually I gave up, went in his room myself, and turned the damn thing off.
3. Waking up at the first sound of roommate's alarm, and not being able to fall asleep until after he leaves for work, an hour later. And my alarm goes off fully 2 hours after his. But by that time, I am back asleep, but can't wake up. Go figure.
4. Never doing anything about any of this, and continuing to suffer because of it.

 over NYC 2

over NYC 2
Originally uploaded by overunder.
Umm. wow. Flickr is cool enough, but then you run across something as cool as this.

G'night, all.

 Do good with your computer! Yay! (See what I'm talking about)
Seriously - for all the good my computer(s) do me while I'm not using them, I may as well have them turned off. So, in case I don't, I've installed this:

World Community Grid - Home: "World Community Grid's mission is to create the largest public computing grid benefiting humanity. Our work is built on the belief that technological innovation combined with visionary scientific research and large-scale volunteerism can change our world for the better."

I have added myself as a member of the group.

 iPod accessory of the day (See what I'm talking about)
With two now in my household, and my never knowing where to balance the audio out for the headphone jack when putting out to my stereo (or powered speakers in my bathroom - never without music am I), this could be very handy. Where were they BEFORE Christmas?

SendStation - Products - PocketDock Line Out: "The new PocketDock with LineOut offers an industry-standard 3.5 mm (1/8") stereo jack (right next to the FireWire port) that connects directly to the iPod’s line level circuitry — just like Apple’s Dock, but in a tiny, easy-to-carry package."

 Must-read article about "Cognitive Overload" (See what I'm talking about)
Holy crap, can I identify...

The Seattle Times: Pacific Northwest Magazine: "When our technological dreams began becoming reality, some pundits predicted we would be swamped by leisure time. That didn't happen. We're working longer and harder, and seem more stressed over downsizing and outsourcing and expectations than ever."

 TiVo problem part 2 (See what I'm talking about)
OK, I've officially posted to the TivoCommunity forums to try and figure this problem out.. The only think I've thought of today that I didn't check was the connection type the Router is using, but it MUST be DHCP over TCP/IP, otherwise the computer wouldn't have worked. And I can ping the TiVo's USB dongle... I'm totally stumped..

Another ,#401 thread - TiVo Community Forum: "I successfully hooked up my Series2 at home, and love it so much have been recommending to everyone. I talked a friend into getting the same for XMas, no phone line, no problem, I say.

Well, I spent all night last night trying to get them working to no avail. They got one of the new 'nite light' silver TiVos (40-hr Series 2), I had them pick up a Linksys USB200M (on TiVo's officially 'approved' list), but the ,#401 dialling prefix didn't work. Tried with different options ('cable', 'antenna'), tried both USB ports, tried rebooting cable modem (computer works fine), router, and tivo. Tried switching cables... Removed the comma from the ',#401', tried all kinds of combinations of all these and still nothing!

I ended up bringing the dang thing home in the hopes of getting it to work (or trying the USB-Ethernet dongle on my Tivo and forcing an update) to see if it works that way.

What am I overlooking? Has anyone else had an experience like this?"

 Where does it all go?
OK, after this week I should be done spending money for a while (at least until I head to Park City for the NWU Young Alumni ski trip in Feb). What I really need to do, though (next week! Next week!) is join this gym across the street from me, and go work out at lunchtime. All this damn holiday food is making me feel (and become) huge. I just need to get back in shape. And it's not like I have time to work out after work (or before - blech), what with the wedding, my shit-dirty apartment, and actual LIFE.
Blah. Time to get back on track.
And speaking of which, time to get to work! It's 10 am!

 Tired... so tired...
So, last night I was giving the gift of knowledge as a belated XMas gift... or so I thought.

I consulted a friend's wife about what she would need to get in order to give her husband TiVo for Christmas and have a reasonable expectation of getting it to work without a phone line, something I've done in the past.

So, I told her to get a (TiVo-approved) USB-Ethernet bridge, a switch (oops, she needed a router to spoof her PC's MAC Address - we exchanged last night and got that working), and some ethernet cable (thanks to my company for sponsoring their TiVo.

All night I spent there - after going straight from work - and to no avail. Eventually, at about 11:30 gave up, bringing the TiVo with me so I could test with my USB-Ethernet adapter (that worked for my TiVo out of the box) at home, on my network (which works), and using my (working) router. And if THAT fails, I can bring the damn thing to my fiancee's place, as she has a land-line and there's no reason that shouldn't work. Once that update is done, all should be happy.

So we went straight to Dana's place, and I decided to F trying it at my place and just plug the thing in the phone line and let it work all night.

Whoops! Forgot the power cable. Luckily, the power adapter for the Vaio I gave her for her birthday a year and a half ago (along with her domain name) had the same form factor. So I was able to plug the thing in (while having to unhook her TV and put it in the middle of the living room floor. Man, I wish I had pictures of this), only to realize: No remote.

For chrissake. I just couldn't get it right.

Stay tuned for updates. This weekend will be light on entries again (blame the damn holidays), but after that things should return somewhat to normal.

 Back at work, back to blog
So, after a great (extended) holiday weekend, I return.

Today at work will be pretty crappy. Actually, the whole week will, so
I'm not sure how blogging is going to go. But I will do my best to
keep up and make up for lost time.

The special edition of LOTR:ROTK is wicked cool. And very long. But
we've come to expect that, haven't we? I spent the last five hours of
my vacation cleaning my apartment yesterday. I got one room done
(though, I must say it looks better than ever). Bets on how long it
takes my roommate to trash it?

I'm going to go with: there is shit on the table and surrounding floor
when I get home from work today.

 Today's secret word is... (See what I'm talking about)
Thank God for small miracles. I can now die a happy, happy man.

Oh, and thanks to my sister for the awesome present.

 Comcast vs. TiVo (See what I'm talking about)
Despite what you might think, this does NOT mean I don't still hate Comcast. They'll probably screw it up.

But it does sound pretty freaking sweet:

"these things have dual tuners (don’t even try and tell us it’s not necessary), they record HDTV, rock HD video on demand, and still do 60 hours of regular TV. And they cost the consumer nothing but an extra $10 per month."

 The Apple Product Cycle (See what I'm talking about)
The Apple Product Cycle: "Threads pop up around feature wish lists, favorite colors, and likely retail price points. In a matter of days, a third-hand, unsubstantiated rumor blossoms into a hand-held device that can do everything except find a girlfriend for a fat, smelly nerd."

I like funny things.

 Oh-ho! (See what I'm talking about)
It's going to be a cold, cold holiday for me in Fargo, ND. But I should be kept warm with the ample supply of Scandanavian humor!!

Edit: I should note (as I just recalled, before facing the wrath of my fiancee, the Fargo native) that Fargo is now smoke-free. So I guess it's a little more funny.

 Giant robots in the backyard | CNET (See what I'm talking about)
Giant robots in the backyard | CNET "In the back of Carlos Owens' southern Alaska yard, an 18-foot-tall steel robot is taking shape in the dim light of the winter afternoons."

Ahem. (in best announcer voice): CUE CATASTROPHIC FAILURE!

 Scared of Santa! (See what I'm talking about)
The Chicago Tribune is, I guess originally to blame for this lovely contest, wherein people humiliate their children by showing them in (usually very old) pictures of the kids with Santa, screaming or looking dumbfounded.

The treat for me was the Drunk Santa with Huge Bags under his eyes, the other Drunk Santa, drunk and ready to vomit Santa, and the Santa-with-a-load-in-his-pants.

I mean, who wouldn't be scared? Honestly!

 Dear Sony, (See what I'm talking about)
Please bear a love-child with TiVo, so that their TiVo-to-go service will work seamlessly with your lustworthy PSP. If you do that, I promise I will buy one immediately upon release. I would love you forever. Really! Promise!

 Commuter Cars (See what I'm talking about)
Cool! Just stay out of my bike lane! :)

 eBay item 6140498020 (See what I'm talking about)

 "Year of the Rat" (See what I'm talking about)

A cat would just run away. Dogs rule! (evil MS MediaPlayer or soul-sucking RealPlayer req'd).

You know I'm not feeling well if I'd rather do WORK than blog. What's
the matter with me?

Wicked cold. Took NyQuil last night which did NOT put me to sleep, so
I'm like the walking dead today. Leftover NyQuil floating around in my
body not allowing my brain to work, tired as hell, and just plain
exhausted. Blah.

The good news is, I get to go home soon. Dana and I were supposed to
meet with the priest who's marrying us in June to do some paperwork,
but for some reason he thought we had cancelled.

Is it a bad sign when a priest blows you off? :)

NyQuil is goodness..

 Guinness + Wings = BAD

 XMas presents! (See what I'm talking about)
This is what facilitated much of my gift-giving this year. The bastards stole my idea, but can you really call a charity-contribution-distributor "bastards"? Probably not.

Regardless, I know it's something I'd like to receive as a gift, it's something I like GIVING as a gift, and it makes the holidays that much brighter for the recipients as well.

So.. Happy Holidays!

 Must-have fixie accessory (See what I'm talking about)
Scott - can you pick one of these up for me from the ITP show?

Thanks! As you know, I heart bikes.

 PSP: Probable Sony Problems (See what I'm talking about)
Oh, Sony. Why do you hate the consumer so?

 Zell Miller, how do you stay in the news? (See what I'm talking about) News | Zell Miller to honor Swift Boat Vets' group: "'The swift boat veterans performed an invaluable service to America,' Miller said in a statement. ``These veterans took a lot of undeserved criticism for daring to speak the truth.''"

Dear god, somebody put him out of my misery.

 Elvis: for sale! (See what I'm talking about)

Since, for some unknown reason, people compare Eminem to Elvis (SO not equal), I wonder if some day his daughter will sell his name.

Thinking about it, though, who wants to own their father? I'd rather get rid of the estate too (good move keeping Graceland, though). There's really no positive way to spin this, I guess.

 Slashdot | Astronaut: 'Single-Planet Species Don't Last' (See what I'm talking about)
Slashdot | Astronaut: 'Single-Planet Species Don't Last': "You're 10 times more likely to get wiped out by a civilization-ending event in the next 100 years than you are getting killed in a commercial airline crash.'"

Please! Please let us off this planet. Please!!!

 Fargo delivery (See what I'm talking about)
So, Dana's present just arrived in Fargo at her parents' door, apparently. It's one clever door, too! Check out how it accepted the package:

FedEx Express | Tracking | Results Detail: "Signed for by: F.RONTDOOR"

Oh, FedEx. You tease!

 Missile Defense (See what I'm talking about)
Why, if we agree that rogue nuclear warheads smuggled in the country by terrorists are our biggest threat (do we agree on that?), are we spending billions of dollars on a fucking missile defense shield (missiles that shoot down other missiles) that has NEVER worked?

WHY? Jesus! Give the money so fucking schoolkids can get a science education..

Sorry - forgot for a minute there that our gov't is run by people interested in lining their friends' pockets, not our nation.. Won't happen again..

 How some people advance... beyond me..

My boss (heirarchy goes: me, supervisor, manager, boss) built this web
server a couple years ago when he was a lowly manager (my lowly
manager, to be specific). Well, the old boss left (he's on the team -
get this - helping to outsource everything), and the
builder-of-non-standard-servers is now the boss.

So today, the webserver he built that runs a pretty (ok, VERY)
critical website over here started to slowly (and then
catastrophically) die. My team is now in charge of this critical
website (the original programmer knew what a clusterfuck it was and
got out as quickly as possible, now my team holds the torch) that is
housed on the non-standard server, and after it catastrophically
failed today, we learned the following:

It has a bad hard drive (making for a compromised RAID array), bad NIC
(teamed with a good one), and a likely compromised registry. There was
one other big one... oh yeah - low available disk space.

The boss (who is, since he built it, still responsible for the
hardware) of course now wants the website moved off said shitty

And guess whose job that is!


 Outsourced! Update

OK, follows is an email I got from my manager, summing up what was said at today's 9am meeting. The CEO of US operations and two other suits basically just called us together to read a press release to us, and it seems like they only called the meeting because of legal obligations (because the information they were coneying was
"stock-sensitive" or something, they're legally obligated to disclose it as soon as it becomes known).

Anyway, here's the sum-up email:

Basically [CEO] along with [suit 1] & [suit 2] wanted to
personally announce the fact that a press release (see article below)
came out this morning. The article was read to the audience (us) and
then they, Senior Management, fielded some questions, but couldn't
provide much detail
other than what we have been hearing all along:

  • some of the IT service will be outsource at a global level

  • there will be a combination of vendors selected for different core

  • a final vendors decision will be made by end of 1Qtr 2005

  • planning phase will start and be implemented in the 2nd Qtr, and
    continue for the next 12 to 18 months

  • there will be an [internal] IT company

  • more information regarding the outsource events will be distribute
    as it becomes available

  • consultans will be move off-shore (i.e. India)

  • goal in terms of staff consolidation is 12,000 GLOBALLY, including
    other BUs (i.e. HR)

Whee! Actually, I'm not too concerned. The smaller IT group I work for
is ultra-specialized, so if we're outsourced at all, I imagine it
wouldn't be for quite some time.. But I guess we'll see!

 Best. Boxer shorts. Ever (See what I'm talking about)
I love it! These are the best boxers ever. I haven't had a chance to look at the rest of the site yet, but if the rest of their stuff is as good as this... Well, I know what my friends are getting for XMas.


So, a couple weeks (months?) ago, we were notified in a meeting that the company was working with bidders to outsource our worldwide IT operations (an umbrella I would fall under). After asking further questions, we were reassured that the company wasn't expecting to decide on a vendor (came down to IBM, HP, and CSC) until March at the earliest, and that even then it would be a drawn-out, two year
minimum process.

Well, this afternoon all of Chicago's IT was "invited" to a mandatory meeting, and "No contractors" were allowed (emphasis NOT mine).

One bit of hearsay floating around: they've chosen a vendor, some IT staff will be laid off, and the rest of us will be offered minimum two-year contracts to continue at the company (working with the vendor?).

I'm glad I've kept my move to Houston in July quiet. Hopefully they don't read blogs. :)

I'll keep you updated.

 Fixie (See what I'm talking about)
Maybe this guy will have the right size seatpost for my fixie. I got one a while ago that was just a bit too small. Maybe a BMX seatpost will fit. I have to do a better measurement...

 NYC : Chicago :: Mole-men : ??? (See what I'm talking about)

Wow. Just.... wow.

At least he had a playstation.. :)

 Arts & Entertainment | The Fix (See what I'm talking about) Arts & Entertainment | The Fix: "Joe Simpson on daughter Jessica: 'Jessica never tries to be sexy. She just is sexy. If you put her in a T-shirt or you put her in a bustier, she's sexy in both. She's got double D's! You can't cover those suckers up!' (GQ via Page Six)"

I guess class is contagious.

 Some things are just beyond belief. (See what I'm talking about)
I mean, I know - it's Fox News for chrissake. But I would not have expected this even from them.

How can a purported "news" organization hire someone like "Crazy" Zell Miller? Seriously!

Really! Seriously! The only place this guy should be employed is the circus or... well... OK, Fox News Channel. Yeah, I guess it does make sense.

Sometimes I just want to see America collectively smack it's forehead.

 I promise, I'll get our wedding site done... (See what I'm talking about)
I swear, we'll have something up before people come to visit. Before we send the first Save the Date card.

Tomorrow night, after I make dinner (Monet's porkchops... mmmmm...), I'll do it. Promise!!!

 Homemade furniture
So, I will be swinging by to pick up this after work today, so that I can make a bench out of Dana's old snowboard. (I'll need another one eventually as well, but good things come to those who wait, right?) (the bike will be the base of the bench. I am so clever).

Anyway, was looking around for other ideas and came across this site. Thought it was worth a view, if you're in to this kind of thing.

work to eat - eat to live - live to ride - ride to work!

 Charming story in the spirit of Christmas
This will make you believe that we CAN make a
difference when we give a child the gift of our time.

A young family moved into a house next door to a
vacant lot. One day, a construction crew came in and
began building a house on the empty lot.

The family's 5-year-old daughter became interested in
all the activity going on next door and spent much of
each day observing the workers.

Eventually, the construction crew, all of them
gems-in-the-rough, more or less adopted her as a
project mascot. They chatted with her, let her sit with
them while they took coffee and lunch breaks, and gave
her little jobs to do here and there to make her feel important.

At the end of the first week, the men presented her
with a pay envelope which contained $2.00. The little
girl took this home to her mother, who said all the
appropriate words of admiration, and suggested that
they take the money she received to the bank to start
a savings account.

When they talked to the bank teller, she was equally
impressed and asked the little girl how she had earned
her very own pay check at such a young age.

The child proudly replied, "I worked last week with
the crew building the house next door to us."

"My goodness gracious," said the teller, "and will you
be working on the house again this week, too?"

The little girl replied, "I will if those assholes at The
Home Depot ever deliver the fuckin' sheetrock."

Kinda brings a tear to the eye.

 Patent, How to Get a (See what I'm talking about)
I have a great idea. How bout I just use my blog to remember stuff? Use it as a reference tool (as well as a way to share what I'm thinking with others).

This is where to go, I guess, to get definitive information on how to file for a patent. I wonder if, as part of the patenting process, they determine whether or not a certain idea has already been patented. I would think so, but am not sure.. I'll have to spend more time looking into this later (when I'm not at work).

 Phidgets (See what I'm talking about)
Just found this site, from which I plan to order some different parts. I like what they have to offer - basically they dumb down EE (electrical engineering) for software geeks like me, so I can realize a plan that I have..

If I follow through on this one, it could work! I'm pretty psyched about it. If only I had the $75 to burn on one of the kits, plus about $10 more for other stuff that would be needed for my little project. Mmmmm. Inventing.

I'm so mysterious. The only hint you get is that it has to do with cycling. Cycling and geeking out combined - what could be cooler?

 Lego Star Wars Videogame (See what I'm talking about)
Just when I had about given up all hope for originality in videogames, I see this picture and my heart is done good.

I mean, come on!?! How could this not totally kick ass?

 Delta Cycle - Cezanne (See what I'm talking about)
Yes, please!

With 6 bikes currently at my apartment, we need a nice storage solution. If I can think of it later, I'll post some pics of the current state of things there. Pretty crazy.

Though this does seem a bit extreme. Maybe just a bunch of wall hooks (ala this page) would work better. Plus, the fixie that guy is hanging up is beautiful...

 Gapers Block Photo Essay (See what I'm talking about)
The Gaper's Block is an e-newsletter I get weekly. This is a pretty cool Photo essay with old shots of Chicago and someone who went out recently and tried their best to re-create the same shots. Interesting to see how things have changed..

 Resolving heat issues
So, my roommate Mike and I have a problem. (OK, we have a number of
problems, this is the latest).

Anyway, we live in a loft in Chicago. It's starting to get cold here,
and the heat has been on for a while. The problem is (I know, bring on
the violins), in the loft - which is an old, converted warehouse - the
heat escapes quite quickly (with just a laywer of brick - the walls
-or 3/4" wood - the roof - between us and the elements, we have no
insulation). So, of course, heating costs are astronomical.

Mike and I deal with heat differently. I figure, it's winter, it's
meant to be cold. I'm fine wearing a sweatshirt and some warm slippers
around the house, while he wants to sit in his boxers and a tee shirt.
So, we have these passive-aggressive "heat wars". When he thinks I'm
not paying attention, he pumps up the heat (usually somewhere from 70
to 72). I do the opposite when I think he's not paying
attention, and after he falls asleep. I can NOT sleep when the heat is
pumping. I'd rather curl up in my comforter - that's what it's for! -
and be a little cold when I get out of bed. It's winter! Come on!

Anyway... His area of the apartment, where his bedroom is, is
noticably colder than where my bedroom is. He also gets colder than I
do (I have, let's say, some extra insulation on my person), and he
likes it warmer. This is, as you can imagine, a bad combination.

He's brought up a space heater in the past, but he's afraid of the
cost (I'm not so much - it can't cost as much as our A/C did during
the summer), and I'm afraid that he'll forget to turn it off (not
unheard-of) and burn down all my stuff.

What to do.... I have no idea...

 Boing Boing: Unlock your car by knocking a secret code on the window (See what I'm talking about)
how cool is this?

also, a bit of trivia: this is my first entry with my fiancee present. (she was upset she hadn't been mentioned yet. chicks!)

 Why Japan is so much cooler than us... (See what I'm talking about)
...because they get all the cool stuff first! I WANT ONE!

And, of course, there are the bozos who get one of the first released PSPs and don't review how it works, rather they tear the thing apart.

Sad... Cool, but sad... According to the article, industry experts are estimating that Sony is taking a $250 loss on each one sold. $450 worth of hardware for $200? I'll take it!


 I love cycling (See what I'm talking about)
OK, I know, I know! Go to bed, right!

But I had to link to these sweet, sweet pics from this year's Tour. We were going to go in '05 for our Honeymoon (well, that's what *I* wanted to do), but sadly won't be able to now.. Totally bummed, but there will be other 6-time winners going for a 7th, right?

...right? ;)

 Shizzy's Mailbag (See what I'm talking about)
Seriously, these stupid pranks are so juvenile and insipid, and just speak to how low we've stooped when it comes to entertainment.

I love it.

And, part two.

 Boing Boing (Again): Portable coolness (See what I'm talking about)
OK, obviously I write as I browse down boingboing tonight (yes, it's really 1:30ish on a Friday night and I'm at home surfing the web - so sue me), but just saw some more coolness (see link above) that I had to write about.

Basically, the game these folks are demoing seems to be a multiplayer version of like my favorite videogame ever, Amplitude (PS2 followup to Frequency, no, not the movie).Except, it doesn't seem competitive.

According to a comment at boingboing, up to 8 people can play together from just one cartridge. And while I personally really want the PSP, if the DS comes out with games like that over here, you can sneak one in my stocking anyday...

 Boing Boing: FindDanny (See what I'm talking about)
The internet will never cease, I feel, to astound me.
My brother (mentioned early, certain to be often) has a friend gone missing. Not sleeping and surfing around on idol blog and source of all cool things boingboing, I saw mention of the site that Scott and friends set up to help in the search. I figure, it can't hurt for me to drive what little traffic there I can as well.

 Thank you, scott. (See what I'm talking about)
This will likely be a regular topic header on the blog. I get a lot of my best stuff from Scott, via his shared blog.

click on the link under the title to see wtf I'm talking about. :)

 Web site hosting (See what I'm talking about)
Thought-a-minute generator (AKA my brain) yields:

  • Mmmm. Tacos for dinner.
  • Don't, under any circumstances, use Registerfly to either register domains or host them.
  • Mmmm. The Office. Thank you Netflix.

 S.M.A.R.T. Objectives?
OK, so even though pretty much the only people that read this will be my friends and family, here's some background.

I work at a big, multi-national bank in Chicago.

Revealing, no? Anyway, the point is, I just got my year-end review, based around what some genius calls the S.M.A.R.T. Objectives (Specific, Measurable, Agreed, Realistic, and Time bound). Whatever.

In the interest of full disclosure, here's what the review's closing statement said:

"Mark is a great talent and a fantastic worker. His industriousness and determination are matchless, and his focus has not wavered since he became an officer.
Suggestions for improvement: There are occasions when it is frustrating to defend Mark to the business, because he can be quick to outrage but then (after he has been defended) only slightly less quick to adopt a more conciliatory tone. I am happy to defend Mark because I have faith in his work, but I need reassurance that defense is warranted. (Certainly, if I am too eager to defend, then I am complicit in this offense.)"

OK. So I have a good supervisor who knows how to get his employees bonuses and raises. And I'm the first to admit I didn't come near excelling at work this year, but quite a lot of that was due to working on some asshat's pet project that the company continues to burn money on.

He does very eagerly defend me, though. He loves to argue...

 Blogger Help : What is BlogThis! ? (See what I'm talking about)
How cool is Google? Everything new I learn about them (except for some mishap earlier this week w/r/t changing the way they organize groups) makes me love them more and more.
Anyway, this inspired this post:
Blogger Help : What is BlogThis! ?: "BlogThis! is an easy way to make a blog post without visiting"

I also was just reading (in an email I got from the Chicago Critical Mass listserv) that one of the billionaire founders drives his ass around in a Prius.

We really need to get rid of cars. Especially big, guzzlefest SUVs.

 First Post! (See what I'm talking about)
Well, here goes nothing. I have no idea how well this will work, no idea how often I'll do this.

I have no idea how forthcoming I'll be, no idea what I'll withhold, and no idea how my ramblings will go on and on and on. I guess we'll just see.