Our new baby, call-out to Fred
8/31/2006 10:54:00 AM
Well, after much talk (about six months of talk, at least), D and I finally took the plunge and bought a new car. Pictured above, it's the new 2007 Subaru Outback Basic. Basically, a bare-bones Subaru wagon (Dana likes to call it the Fitzgerald "Family Truckster", too bad they didn't have it in Metallic Pea). We already love it.
Basically, we needed another car before the winter, and the CR-V just rolled past 100k, so it was time to get Dana something reliable for the winter.
Basically, our qualifications were cheap, economical, and AWD (um, winter here dumps a lot of snow. For those who aren't in the know, the mountain got over 400 inches last year. Yes, there were two zeros after that 4). The subaru met on all fronts. Sure, every third person in Steamboat has one (and in Colorado, they have something like a 40% market share), but that alone tells you something, doesn't it? That, and I remember how Dave punished his in high school but despite it all the damn thing kept running.
So, please welcome to our family the "Family Truckster". The picture above is of the new model year - for some reason the subaru site still only has the 2006 models (I like to think we bought a car from the future), some glamour-shot from Navy Pier, apparnetly. Anyway, ours looks exactly like that. All black, so no more of that overdone Outback two-tone stuff anymore either.
For the flag-wavers, it was assembled in Indiana, so "nyeh". For the tree-huggers (and all those to whom I swore that our next car would be a hybrid), we'll be doing some of this. Besides, the 2007 model emits fewer pollutants than ever. So "nyeh" to you as well.
One more thing: to demonstrate that in spite of my general dislike for the felines, I am hoping for the imminent return of Fred the Cat to Karen and Erik, I have posted this ribbon (these things seem to be trendy). Come home, Fred.